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Architectural wonders.

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Harness the Power of Trees

About Us

There’s a Mother Tree in All of Us.

Mother trees are the older, wiser trees who actively restore health and diversity to any landscape. They have the largest root systems which they use to communicate and support life around them. They recognize their own species and those of others. We believe there’s a mother tree in all of us. And like real mother trees in nature, we aspire to help others to stand up on their own, so that one day they too can help others around them.

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Our Purpose

Growing a Better World From the Ground Up.

Mother Trees is an international organization bringing immediate solutions to the growing climate crisis and loss of biodiversity. Mother Trees helps farmers, community leaders and forest stewards to restore the planet’s many degraded landscapes with the best ideas in regenerative agroforestry and forest ecosystem restoration.

Select an ecosystem to learn more


Mother Trees is advising global leaders in designing innovative, nature-based, food-system solutions that heal the planet and end hunger.


Showing agribusinesses how to green their supply chains, avoid further deforestation, and invest in carbon offsets that restore degraded land.


Helping communities to start seed banks, restore their forests, and support farmers through community-supported agriculture.


Training farmers to grow regenerative agroforestry systems that are designed for maximum environmental, social and economic impacts.

Tree Planters

Designing the world’s most impactful cost-effective tree planting programs. Planting trees as low as 8 cents each.

Give to our cause

Grow a Tree.
Make an Impact.

Our mission is simple yet powerful: to nurture the earth by planting trees and fostering sustainable growth in communities. With each donation, you're not just contributing to planting trees; you're investing in a legacy that provides shade, supports biodiversity, and empowers local farmers.

Join us in our mission as we root for change together. Whether it's a small seedling of support or a forest of generosity, every contribution fuels our efforts to create a flourishing environment. Thank you for being a part of our journey to paint the African landscape green, one tree at a time!

100% of your donations support Mother Trees' initiatives.

our mission

How We're Involved

Scaling proven strategies in projects that'll save the planet.

meet john leary

meet Pam agullo

Our Projects

Why Mother Trees?

Mother Trees and partners are active around the world training community, corporate and country leaders to put programs in place for agroforestry, regenerative agriculture, and ecosystem restoration. Our first mission is 25 million trees in Senegal.



This Lifetree Senegal program will restore sustainable food systems in the Senegal Peanut Basin. We are training farmer groups to assess environmental needs and then incorporate market-based agroforestry to improve resilience and diversify income. Mother Trees has the capacity to plant over 25 million trees in the zone in the coming three years. The program supports 6,000 families in shifting to regenerative farming, and it is accelerating forest tree restoration through existing community-based forest management committees. These actions will cool the landscape, improve food security across the peanut basin and protect the biodiversity in three local forests.


The Lifetree Tanzania program aims to rehabilitate ecosystems and farmscapes across major watersheds in northeast Tanzania. We are developing reforestation, agroforestry and other tree planting solutions from ridge to reef - from the top of the Usambara Mountains to the mangroves on the coast.


Mother Trees anticipates a new project in 2024 and is calling for the participation of international partners and Gambian leaders.


From a Seed into a Dream

Mother Trees brings an integrated, market-based approach to sustaining nature-based solutions. We help communities find strength and resilience in diversity and collective action. We aspire to impact the world. Together.

Founder John Leary with a mahogany tree he planted in 2003 during Peace Corps service in West Africa. Since then he has overseen the planting of over 250 million trees.

100% donation Guarantee

Our Pledge to You.

We will maximize the use of every donation, ensuring every penny raised is used in a cost-effective way to plant trees, restore degraded landscapes, and fix food systems.  

100% of public donations go directly to funding our projects and initiatives.


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